Massage Modalities

Our Services

Custom Massage for your Needs

ease, woman, sleep
Lymphatic Drainage
Deep Tissue
massage, relaxation massage, wellness massage
Hot/Cold/Himalayan Salt Stones Massage
Sport Massage
Shirodara (Scalp Treatment)


Gua - Sha

Bamboo Stick

Kinesiology Tape





Popular and in-demand


Hot Stones

Lymphatic Drainage



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Frequently Asked Questions

It depend on your needs and goals. Let us customize our knowledge and expertise to help  improving the results. When Swedish is more for relaxation and Deep Tissue is more for pain and injuries, the combination of both it’s the most common used for us. 

Lymphatic Drainage is to improve circulation of lymph and improve water retention. 

Sport Massage is more oriented to stretching muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments improving range of motion. 

Prenatal Massage improve the sustainability of the mother and baby during this stage, relaxing and stretching at the same time to reduce any discomfort during this beautiful stage of women life. 

Reflexology it could be use when regular full body massage may not be perform for any reason the client mat have. Also for foot pain and relaxation.

Hot/Cold/Himalayan Stones are use as a tool to deepness the tissue and fascia; and the temperature to activate the muscles and releases accumulate tension or pain due to over use or incorrect posture.

Shirodara (scalp treatment) reduces the level of stress hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline and thus relaxes the mind and thereby helps in relieving stress, tension, awhile strengthens the hair roots and moisturize the skin and scalp. Improve insomnia. 

Yes, it’s the law. 

It depends on your resistance to the pain, level of comfort and your needs.

During your first visit we learn  about your needs and build an assessment plan providing visits frequency to improve your necessities in the less time as possible. 

MORE INFO.- Mayo Clinic link